Monday, 27 January 2020

Junction at the Aven de Noël

It cannot be left as a rumour any longer and let's share this great news...
We are very glad to announce that the connection between the Aven de Noël (Bidon-07) and the network of the Grotte Saint Marcel (Saint Marcel d'Ardèche-07) is now real. The junction occurred in the "Capture passage" in the Réseau V branch behind a sump.
The work of the ARSPAN in Bidon and the GASOIL (Groupement Associatif des Spéléos d'Orgnac, Issirac, Labastide) in Orgnac l'Aven started during the october 2019 yearly camp. It allowed the discovery of 160 meters of new land prior to connecting with this passage.
All official autorities such as the Mairie of Bidon, Saint Marcel d'Ardèche, the Natural Reserve and the Grotte Saint Marcel were officially informed a month ago.
The Réseau V branch of Saint Marcel network was discovered and mapped  "post sump" by the club AVENS. The exploration is still going on via the Aven de Noël access under the ARSPAN cover.
This area remains protected also by the ARSPAN entrance flow management, and all exploration respect the rules of the ARSPAN regarding to the group size and visit frequency. Accurate report are provided to archive the work beeing performed.
A detailed communication will come in the next months and we surely will keep you updated with the latest discoveries.


Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Best wishes for 2020

Every member of the ARSPAN office wish you a wonderful 2020 year filled with discoveries and many hours spent underground to enjoy this passion which is ours...