Frequently Asked Questions


In the column below you will find comments that sum up what was written on
the visit's sheets after an exploration of Noël pot hole...

They are written in a chronological order as they appear and are grouped by categories :

  • protection

  • exploration

  • technical matters

  • other comments.

Some have ARSPAN's comments. (in green)


Is it possible to organize an area for getting off the carbide ?
Has each one been able to manage with his scraps for a ten-hours expedition.

Carbide marks at the bottom

Access should be limited to one group a week-end
Reservation by phone was set up for that but some dates are very much in demand
and some people think they are only ones...

We met a group without permission and dissuaded them from visiting...
Why not ? But beware of segregation...

The marking seems a motocross route...

We tried a similar experience in the Doux which failed because some Swiss cavers were little scrupulous...

Why not put diving ropes instead of a marking ribbon
Why not ?

An effective and discreet protection...

It's easy to have the key...

Visitors should be screened...
Groups should be screened...

On what criterions ? With what rights ?

The marking is too showy !!!

You must limit the access and accompany some groups
Who will accompany ?

The marking is not discreet, but necessary.
See the following remark

The marking in orange thread is not clearly visible when return...
The marking being too warning (but isn't it its function ?) we made test...
...little conclusive.

The pot hole is not damaged (we visit 2 or 3 times/year)

No notable alteration since 01/90.

The hole has remained intact after 4 years...

The marking must be made again in intermadiate passage
Indeed the ribbon is appreciated by some animals...

There are problems with photography...

No damages since 1990.

We see this cave's virginity and intact stals...

You should mark the bat
We are thinking about it, but to tell the truth, we did not find the solution yet...

Many damages for three years

Be careful of the foreigners...
We believed these speeches past...

Well done ! superb to do again.

Nothing to say except a big pleasure ! Thanks to you for this magnificent discovery.

Well done for this pot hole clever management

The protection of Some marvels (calcification skeletons) is insufficient, though difficult to realize

No damages since this cave system last visit

Good idea : the booklet's delivery...

Marking estimated by all. We are very surprised of the state in spite of the frequent visits.

A clever measure of protection...

It's pleasant to go into a cave brought out by discreet protective equipment...

Experience more positive than a common closing...

Some minor damages since last year (footprints out of the marking, stals tarnishment). Some damages (minor) in spite of the marking.

Without the marking the cave would be destroyed. Some minor damages.
Increase the screen and limit the size of each group.

We don't screen, we advise and we inform... It's very different.

Replacement of brown ribbon with works ribbon. Congratulations to arspan.

Necessary marking at gours level...

It's impressive to see how the marking in a cave changes all...   Super pleasant.

Small damage => gypsum flower's disappearance in the middle of the white passage.

Some damages since 1996, crossing tracks of "homo stupidus indisciplinus" dated about 1996 to 1997 after JC.

Superb. we can help you...
Why not ? Contact us...

At the beginning, the marking are quite difficult to see. Is the dustbin outside going to attract the rubbish ?

Very good protection of the limestone area.
Many thanks to the protectors of this place...


Crossing big pitch...
No continuation, balance's chimney.

Narrow entrance for some people
Since, the entrance was widened to make the entry - and the exit - easier...


Why a crossbar at the exit ?
We tested a crossbar at the entry to make the exit easier, before widening the entry....

Rescue team members'formation training in the pot hole.

Why not put inox ankers in the pitch ?
Good idea and it has been done since then (see above)

O2's measure = 16.8% << 21%
That can explain the difficulty to breathe in some places...

Replacement of the bottom scales.

Slippery crossing at the entrance of the white passage.

Rope for the access to the big flow has to be changed. Scale rung broken.

Wishing that the "touristic" development will never be envisaged.

A powerful light is necessary.

Electric light strongly recommanded.
The electric light has indeed two advantages :
- no marks left in the low crossings.
- to have power for the big rooms (50 or 100W).

The idea of the marking is interesting.

The hangers should be put vertically...

Are the hangers put correctly ?

The horizontal installation of the hangers is not an error from us.
That allows to the carabiner to press,on the rock face and to move away the anchor's knot, avoiding so the rubbing without changing the global resistance.

It should be good to make frequent conrols to check the state of the cave.
Very good idea and we have just started to do so.



We met a caver alone in expedition...
There are unaware people everywhere.

It should be good to mention the high temperature inside the cave.
As all the caves in the plateau, the temperature is nearly constant 14°C

When will there be a lift ?

Coming of the bat delegate FFS.
Analysis ? Results ?

Urea passage visit ?
Where is this ?

It's difficult to find the right words to express how wonderful were the things we saw...

At last a swallow hole not "Bidon" (*) !!!
(*) Bidon, the name of the village also means : "it's a load of rubbish"

Watercolours expedition with natural pigments !!!
Is it a good protection example to take clay in this cave ?

Is it possible to make a questionaire in English ? In Russian ?
We are thinking about writing one in English...

A complete publication with survey would be welcome.
This internet site is perhaps a beginning...

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